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Learn everything about Vsales
Last updated
Learn everything about Vsales
Last updated
This page is for developers. If you wish to learn how to participate in sales, Remember to try it out in the these features on a test network prior to attempting to make a real sale.
While attached to a testnet network, navigate to the Vsale page and click "Add Sale". A prompt will show which has to be filled in with details about the sale. It helps keeping the details accurate to the real sale or similar. Remember that Vsales made on a testnet network will not appear for users in the live dApp.
To make a Vsale on testnet, you need a token that is deployed on the BSC Testnet. Ensure you have a newly deployed token that has not had a completed sale yet. See to learn how to connect with BSC Testnet. Don't have a token? A tool can be of aid.
Please note that creating a Vsale on a testnet network is free of charge. However, a create fee is applied to sales created on Mainnet.
We do not guarantee that a project will fill a hard cap or have investors. We are not liable for any losses as a result of participation in projects. Projects are not vetted by a team. Participate at your own risk.
Create Sale Fee: The fee that will have to be paid to create the sale.
Fee Choice: How the fee of the sale is paid to Skylabs.
Sale name: Public name of the Vsale. This is the name that will be displayed in the dApp.
Description: A description of the token/project. Be elaborate but concise, there is a character limit.
Token Contract Address: The address of the token to be sold in the Vsale. Double check to ensure you have put the right token address.
Soft Cap (BNB): The minimum amount of tokens (BNB) to raise for the Vsale to succeed.
Hard Cap (BNB): The maximum amount of tokens (BNB) that can be raised in the Vsale.
Liquidity Percentage: How much of the raised tokens (BNB) should go towards the liquidity (minimum 10%)
Presale Rate: The price at which tokens are sold in the Vsale. For example 1000 Your Tokens per BNB. (Note: an error will appear if you have insufficient balance)
Post Sale Rate: The price at which tokens will open on the public market. For example 1200 Your Tokens per BNB (20% higher than the example above)
Sale Tokens Required: The amount of tokens that will be needed to run the sale.
Min contribution (BNB): A minimum amount of tokens (BNB) that has to be contributed by a wallet.
Max. Contribution (BNB): A maximum amount of tokens (BNB) that can be contributed by a wallet
Lockup Time (Days): The period in which the raised liquidity from the Vsale will be locked in Vetter Vault. Tip: be considerate to your investors, locking liquidity for a short duration won't come across trustworthy.
Sale Start: A starting date and time for the Vsale. The date and time will be selected in your local timezone and automatically converted for those in other timezones.
Sale End: An ending date and time for the Vsale. The date and time will be selected in your local timezone and automatically converted for those in other timezones.
Refund Type: The way unsold tokens are handled. "Burn Tokens" mean unsold tokens are taken out of circulating supply forever by being sent to the 0x0 address. "Return to owner" means unsold tokens will return to the wallet that created the Vsale.
Router To Use: Where liquidity will be placed after the Vsale has finalized. Note: this must be a liqudity router such as Pancakeswap. Pancakeswap Router (Testnet):
Pancakeswap Router (Mainnet):
The amount of tokens for the presale is determined by the following equation:
For example: the hardcap is 10 BNB and the presale rate is 1,000 tokens per BNB, the tokens for presale will be 10,000
If the amount of tokens required exceeds your wallet's balance then the sale cannot be created. Double check the hardcap and presale rate if this happens.
The amount of tokens that will be used for liquidity is determined by the following equation:
For example: the hardcap is 10 BNB and 5% is paid as a fee, which means there is 9.5 BNB left after the fee is taken. The post sale rate is 1000 tokens per BNB and you chose for 100% to go to liquidity. Then 9,500 tokens will be taken to be put into liquidity.
Once the Vsale is made, click the "My Vsales" button and find it there. If the transaction was just submitted, the refresh button can be pressed to refresh the list. It can take some time for the new sale to appear.
Once found, click the "View Sale" button to look at the sale. The sale is in Draft mode indicated by the status symbol which says "Draft". In this mode it is possible to edit the Vsale before publishing it. A draft sale cannot be seen by others.
Navigate to "Sale Schedule" to update information about the sale. To set social links, press the "Update Marketing" button. This opens a prompt where social details can be entered. Press "Update Marketing" to save it. This is also where a custom icon can be set for the sale, as well as changing the description and name.
Go to the Youtube video you wish to use and right-click it. Then click "copy embed code". Then paste the copied code somewhere like notepad. What you will see is a code that resembles an iframe element and will look similar to this:
Find the part where it says 'src=""' and copy the link within the quotation marks into the marketing modal.
Make sure you copy the correct URL; the link should start with:
Navigate to the CrowdX platform and find your project there. Click it to open it and make sure you are actually viewing the project posted on CrowdX. Then copy the address from your address bar in your browser into the marketing modal.
To update any details that were entered press the "Update Sale" button. This can only be done if the sale is still in "Draft" mode. The fee choice that was chosen cannot be changed. The name and description can be seen here, but can only be changed by using the "Update Marketing" button.
Vsale has a comprehensive whitelist system and blacklist system. The system allows for multiple whitelists to be added to the sale and each whitelist has its own specific timespan in which it is active. Read more about it in the page linked below.
Press the "Cancel Sale" button to cancel the sale. This will require a transaction in your wallet. This action cannot be undone. Be mindful of cancelling your sale as the fee that was paid for creating it will not be returned.
If the Vsale is correctly scheduled, press the Publish Sale button. Ensure the details of the sale are correct, as they cannot be changed once published. The prompt will indicate if your wallet has a sufficient amount of tokens and if no liquidity already exists for the token you intend to sell. If that criteria is met then you can press "Publish Presale" in the prompt. If one of these isn't met the sale cannot be published.
It is not possible to publish a sale with a token that already has liquidity.
When "Publish Presale" is pressed a transaction will appear in your wallet which must be confirmed. This is a transaction to allow the transfer of the token fee. After it succeeded, another transaction will appear which must also be confirmed. This transaction will actually publish the sale.
How many transactions need to be confirmed in the wallet depends on the chosen fee type. The first transaction provides permission for the dApp to move tokens into the sale contract. The second transaction provides permission to take tokens needed to distribute after the Vsale concludes and to put tokens into liquidity. If the 2% BNB / 2% Tokens option is chosen, that is included in the second transaction as well.
The mode of the sale is indicated by the status symbol, which will appear as "Upcoming" for published sales that have not yet started and "Live" for active sales.
Draft is where sales start out while you’re still making adjustments and getting ready.
Upcoming indicates that you have published the sale and now everyone can see it. When you publish the sale, Vsale pulls the presale tokens from your wallet and therefore no further adjustments to tokenomics can be made. However, the sale start and end time, min and max contributions, refund type and router to use can be updated until the sale goes live.
Live indicates that the sale is currently active and can be contributed to. It will automatically end when the end time has passed.
Canceled indicates the sale has been cancelled by the owner. If the sale has already progressed past the "Live" status, contact support if you need to cancel the sale.
Completed means that the soft cap has been met before the end time or the hard cap was met during the sale period.
Failed means that the soft cap was not met before the end time.
Finalized means that liquidity has been created and locked and tokens are available to participants. You may also download a full participants list.
It is not possible to finalize a sale with a token that already has liquidity.
To finalize a Vsale, press the "Finalize" button. This button will only appear if the sale transitions from "Live" to "Completed", meaning at least the softcap was raised and that the sale is ready to be finalized.
The presale tokens are released to the participants; they can now collect their tokens.
The chosen fee is paid to the contract. (Find the fee structure that will be paid in the "Schedule" block)
If not 100% of the raised funds is set to go to liquidity, the remaining funds are sent to the owner.
Unsold tokens are burned (sent to the 0x0 address) or returned to the owner, based on which option was chosen.
To download a .csv file of the participants in the Vsale, find the "Schedule" section and press "Download Participant List". This is only available after the sale is finalized. The file has the following format: wallet, payment, tokens, claimed, cancelled
Now that all steps have been explained, the entire process can be replicated for a real Vsale.
A real sale in which real money can be participated has to be made on the live dApp:
If you were on testnet before, remember to switch your wallet back to Mainnet. The dApp should prompt you to do this if you have forgotten to do so.
Once on the main dApp again the instructions laid out on this page can be replicated. Do note that creating a Vsale incurs a creation fee so on the live dApp that means it costs real money to create it. That is why we recommend using testnet to get familiar with Vsale, before creating a real sale.
In order to get a special CrowdX badge to show on your sale, which indicates that your project was scouted on the CrowdX platform, you must find it on CrowdX and link to it by updating the social links in your sale.
If your project wasn't yet scouted then this is a perfect opportunity to explore the CrowdX platform and to post it yourself! More information about the platform can be found on its respective page:
We (Vetter Ecosystem and all brands, products and entities) do NOT promote, endorse, recommend or provide financial advise for any project(s) that have or had launched. We are not liable for any losses as a result of participation and participation is solely at the discretion of the user. Users acknowledge that they are in a jurisdiction that allows participation and/or other rules or regulations that may apply. Participate at your own risk. Always do your own research prior to investing or participating in any crypto project.
Can't find your project? You can after making the Vsale.
If the amount of tokens needed is too much, you have likely made a mistake in the presale rate. Exit the prompt, find and press it. Ensure the presale rate and postsale rate are correct.
If liquidity exists for the token then the sale cannot be published and if you are unable to remove the liquidity then the sale must be updated. You must make a fresh token that has no liquidity on it and and make a new sale using the new token's address.
If for some reason there is liquidity on the token the sale cannot be finalized. If this is the case then to have the sale canceled. The sale has to be redone on a fresh token that has no liquidity.
The liquidity gets added based on the remaining raised BNB and liquidity percentage. For example 100 BNB is raised, 5% BNB fee was chosen and 60% was set to go to liquidity. 5 BNB is taken as a fee, so 95 BNB remains. From the 95 BNB, 57 BNB (60%) is taken and added to liquidity. The liquidity will be automatically locked in a Vault, more can be read about the process on .