Multi-whitelists & Blacklist
Learn more about our unique whitelist and blacklist system for Vsales.
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Learn more about our unique whitelist and blacklist system for Vsales.
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Vsale has a unique multi-whitelist system. Each whitelist can get access to the Vsale at a different time. You may for example want 2 whitelists, similar to the VSL launch, where the second whitelist has access some minutes after the first one.
To update whitelists, press the "Setup Whitelists" button. This opens the prompt with multiple options. To add a list, press "Add a Whitelist". In the prompt, define a time for the whitelist to be able to contribute. Then press "Add Whitelist", this will send a transaction to the wallet that must be confirmed.
When the whitelist has been added, more buttons will appear in the previous prompt for managing the whitelist.
When adding a new whitelist, simply select a desired duration and confirm the transaction in your wallet.
To add users to a whitelist, press "Add Addresses to a Whitelist".
The whitelist is imported through a .csv file. The explanation will appear in the prompt. Pick your .csv file, preview it and press "Add To Whitelist" to import the wallets. Use the dropdown to select which whitelist to import these wallets to.
If the whitelist is invalid, there won't be any addresses shown. Make sure to follow the instructions that are shown in the prompt.
If the .csv file is correct, the addresses can be reviewed and added. When the button is pressed a transaction will appear, it must be confirmed in the wallet.
The prompt will import addresses from the left-most column in the .csv file. It will only import valid addresses, so there can be a header and other information in columns to the right which will be ignored. The prompt will show which addresses get imported and which get ignored, for example because they are invalid addresses.
If the .csv file contains a lot of wallets, multiple transactions may be required. Be mindful of the fact that these transactions will appear in the wallet one by one, and must each be confirmed to fully process the .csv file.
Removing wallets works similarly to adding them: select a .csv file with the wallets that should be removed. Preview the wallets, then press the button and confirm the transaction in your wallet.
This removes wallets from all whitelists, so there is no need to select a specific one. Looking to restrain certain wallets in particular from participating? It may be better off to use the blacklist feature.
An entire whitelist can be removed by pressing the "Remove Whitelist" button. Select the whitelist to be removed and confirm the transaction once the button is pressed.
Want to remove certain wallets in particular? It may be better off to use the remove wallets from whitelist feature, rather than removing the entire whitelist.
Press the "Update a Whitelist" button. Select the whitelist you wish to update, enter a new duration and confirm the transaction in your wallet.
Note that the duration of the whitelist is the time in which wallet addresses in this period can contribute to the Vsale.
When looking for a wallet, use the associated "Address Checker" in the prompt when managing the whitelists. This will tell if the address was found and where.
Using the blacklist specific wallets can be blocked from participating in the Vsale. This can be useful to block bots or wallets for any other reason. Press "Add Addresses to Blacklist". This again works the same way by taking a .csv file just like adding addresses to a whitelist. Preview the wallets and confirm the transaction once the button is pressed.
If the .csv file contains a lot of wallets, multiple transactions may be required. Be mindful of the fact that these transactions will appear in the wallet one by one, and must each be confirmed to fully process the .csv file.
This works the same way as adding. Press the "Remove Addresses from Blacklist" and add the .csv file. Preview the wallets and confirm the transaction once the button is pressed.
Note that it says 1 transaction is required to complete in the example. If the .csv file contains a lot of wallets, multiple transactions may be required. Be mindful of the fact that these transactions will appear in the wallet one by one, and must each be confirmed to fully process the .csv file.
To reorder the whitelists select the "Reorder" option. The first whitelist selected will be moved to the position of the second whitelist selected. Make sure to confirm the transaction in your wallet.